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Points of Interest are spots for settlements. You can't put a settlement outside a PoI, neither can you put multiple in one. A PoI will first begin giving values and other things, once it has been built. Value of a PoI ranges from 1 to 4.

POI which has the value of 1, dosen't have to be huge. Either just 1 detailed building or a few less detailed buildings are fine. Please try have these things match with the names.

But for values 2-4 you will have to build towns and cities.

Special Points of Interest[]

While normal PoI only gives values, then some special gives other things.


Dawnstar Village: This village hosts the sunwell. If a hero or army has visited this, their spells casts in first round costs 0 mana. If defending the sunwell, all spells costs 0 mana.

Dalaran: Here you can learn the arcane, see Magic. This is also the the area with most amount of mana floating around. If at Dalaran, all spells costs half the mana.

Thandol Span: This is the only bridge to Khaz Modan. The only way other than by Kul Tiras ships, which you can get to the southern continents.

Khaz Modan[]

Ironforge: Within the great forge you can forge artefacts.

Fuselight & Fuselight by the sea: These 2 PoI are connected by a teleporter.


Temple of Atar'hakkar: If you sacrifice 4(20) values, then you can summon the troll god, Hakkar the soulflayer.

Karazhan: This PoI has increased magic presence. All magic cast Karazhan has doubled effect.

Zul'Gurub: This is one of the three largest troll cities in Azeroth. The faction who owns this has doubled Nature magic effect.

The Dark Portal: This gateway connects to Draenor. Status: Not built or open.


The Dark Portal: This gateway connects to Azeroth. Status: Not built or open.

Ring of Trials: Proud orcs can challenge eachother to a match of Mak'gora, a battle of no armor and only one weapon.

Auchindoun: Auchindoun is a mausoleum for the draenai.. Filled with generations of draenai souls, this could prove a great boost in fel magic. One of the 3 PoI required to open the dark portal.

Shattrath: Shattrath is a draenai city. One of the 3 PoI required to open the dark portal.

Karabor: This is a temple for the light. The faction who owns this doubled magic effect(not fel). If this temple falls in the hands of fel magics, then the temple can summon demons. One of the 3 PoI required to open the dark portal.
