Universal Mini Builders Wiki


Borders are based on the settlements cultural extent. Each rank of settlement has a greater cultural outreach. Borders stop other players from building settlements within your empire which can thus create a haven from the dangerous cultural border tensions. Tensions are based on the rank of the settlement between two empires. If the two settlements are at the same rank and close enough they will border each other equally, but if one is a higher rank their borders can extend into the others. If a settlements border is to extend past another lower ranked settlement, than that settlement will be annexed peacefully into that empire. If the player that has the ability to annex but does not want to than the border will go around the settlement leaving it with little land.

A player may choose what land they own which is equal to or less than the stud count of a standard square borders. However if they do not choose then the settlements borders will either:

  • Form the standard square borders in the easiest achieveable fashion(The settlement may be displaced within the square.
  • Encompass the land mass it is on (In the case of islands) Leaving the remaining stud count as "To be decided"

The land they choose to own must be contiguous when on one single continent however, a settlement may extend across continents where the land bridge that connects those continents is far away. When on smaller land masses the land must first encompass that land mass, and further encompass any other land masses until it can no longer completely own a land mass.

Border Length[]

  • Colony - 2 studs (24 studs excluding the settlement)
  • Town - 5 studs (120 studs excluding the settlement)
  • City - 10 studs (440 studs exluding the settlement)
  • Metropolis - 25 studs (2600 studs excluding the settlement.